US actor/singer Tyrese shared a pic of his
wristwatch collection on his instagram page,
writing that 'the plane has to match the watch
so he can get to his destination on time'. (pic on
the left). He got a lot of likes and positive
comments from his followers.
Nigerian King of comedy Alibaba reposted the
pic on his own page and made a case for
Nigerian artists and how fans here react to
celebrity show off on social media. He said a lot
more. See that after the cut...
In the comment section of the post, Alibaba
Everyone shows off. You work hard to show
off. When you take a graduation picture
and post it, there are millions who could not
sit Jamb. When you are celebrating your
baby dedication there are women praying
for fruit of the womb. When you tell
everyone how you got a great job, many are
dying at stadia across the country. As long
as its your hard work that got you those
things you show off. Do you know showing
off your cleavage could also be in that class
of your argument? Because there are
people that don't have. Some even have
had theirs cut off. For me I see such as
inspiration. And not show off. Its like saying
BUT SEE WHERE I AM. Because your
neighbors. Don't have light you will not put
your generator on? Even the people you call
poor... Do you know how much support the
person you are calling a show off has
contributed to that large number of people
in need? And if he were to start mentioning
them, that will be another case of show off,
"I agree with people buying things they
don't need. And the fact that many don't
plan. In my 25 years, I have seen stars rise
and fall in show business. We are still going
to see that happen in the next 25 years.
That said, the yardstick used for measuring
succes differ from person to person.
Depending on what they have gone
through. For instance, if I'm on a long haul
flight, I do business class. If client got me
business, I upgrade. But for a short 1 hour
flight, I can do economy. And only do
business if I feel like or when travelling with
Madam. Now, some people may think
because you are in economy, it means you
are broke. Meanwhile, on that row of
economy seat, there is a real estate lord,
with over 35 properties scattered all over
Lagos. But some passenger, 2 seats away
from you is thinking see that young artiste
in business class, but This Ali Baba is in
economy. Unknown to them, someone far
richer than Ali Baba is sitting next to him.
The flip side of this story is that the young
artiste, may nit have kids and
responsibilities. So he is allowed to live loud.
Then there is the untold dynamics of
showbiz. The young artiste may be going to
perform with his crew for 5m... I may be
going for the same event for, let me be
generous and say half the amount the
young artiste is paid. At the end of the
event, I come home with 90% of my fee,
the young artiste will come home with
maybe 50%... But to the passenger two
seats behind, that don't count. To him, seat
in business class. You can go home and
drink Garri. Just look good for me. So the
artiste is torn between making the fan see
him as making it or living his realities. On
the others hand, when an artiste doesn't
show off, the fans are fed gists of other
artistes living the life, then the fan begins to
conclude, if the papers say he is not making
it, they should know. So the fans begin to
believe what they read and see. So the
artiste is on a long thing in the end. Finally,
much as I agree with many people in need
and not rubbing affluence in their face,
celebrating success should be an inspiration
to those working hard
"I totally totally agree. Most people in
Business Class need to go to business class
( school) to understand that a business's
class ticket is not an investment unless you
have crossed certain boxes investment
wise. I has invested in other tangible assets
before I invested in nice cars. Cars are the
bane of many men, women don't make it
easy either cos if you no get some type of
cars , they don't consider you serious. But
what we don't understand is that in
America you can rent a Car or lease one in
nigeria we pay the full price at once,
meanwhile the price of those "cars" can
buy a house for the "star" so when the ruff
times come( and yes it always comes) you
have a fall back. May the God of wisdom
enlighten us
Who agrees with Alibaba?
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