Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Last seen feature on the new Whatsapp will now include GPS location.

Earlier today the CEO of Facebook (the new owners of Whatsapp) announced that 'last seen' on Whatsapp will
now include the person's GPS location.

This according to MarkZuckerberg is for safety reasons should anything happen to anyone & for parents to know their
children's location at all times and partners to know their spouses location!
Hi mom, on ma way to the library see you later [[Last seen 02:54pm @ elegushi beach]]

Creamie,i am in class babe ...will beep u later [[Last seen 12:16pm @Deputy Governor's lodge,Makurdi]]

Hello my luv, am on my way to Ibadan for my aunts burial..see u soon[[Last seen 3:00pm @ Oriental Hotel,Lagos]]

Hi bros, i dey airport dey wait ma babe....[[Last seen 11:10am @24 Edidi lane, Idumota Lagos]]

That lie about your location jus got harder.
GA Readers what are your Opinions about this??

Don't know whether to laff or be excited



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